Monday, March 07, 2005

Fatty bom boms are damn groooosssssss (sorry, fatties!)

What is up with people who wear those bare midriff things when they have little bulges sticking out? I think it's damn disgusting. I mean, I guess I'm damn mean to fat people in general, but seriously, nobody wants to see these rolls of blobby, springy, fatty things going boing boing boing all over the place, right? I wonder how fat people feel when their pudgy tummys bounce up and down. Sometimes, when I have a stomachache, it feels like my stomach is churning. Maybe fat people feel like this all the time; that would be damn sucky for them, right? It's something like how I imagine girls with large breasts feel when they don't wear bras; everything goes up and down and up and down. I don't like dangly bits; this is why I wear briefs instead of boxers; yeah, maybe it's bad for sperm count, but at least things don't bang against each other when I need to run somewhere. Maybe they should make pot belly holsters for fat people, so that their tummies can stay in one place instead of bouncing all around; I bet this would make their lives a little easier. Also I wouldn't have to see their exposed bubbly tummies, which still gross me out.

On another note, my spring break plans have fallen to pieces, thanks to my being played out by a very lazy somebody. In case she's reading this, I'm still super disappointed. Damn sad, man! So, anyway, here are my options for spring break:

a) buy ticket to New York (price - 213 dollars and rising)
b) buy ticket to London (price - 300+ dollars and rising)
c) buy pre-modded PSTwo and GTA: San Andreas (price - 300 dollars and falling)

Note: options a and b are way cooler (with b possibly being the coolest) but they can only get more expensive; ie - going to wherever will also involve spending bucketloads of money on going out, buying presents for people I stay with, eating, etc. whereas c will mean that my spring break will be spent in chicago, playing games like a real dorkface. Also, c means that I will be damn distracted for a while, playing all these games online. How? What do you guys think? Better send your suggestions in fast! Right now, to be honest, I'm really leaning towards the PSTwo, mainly because I'm a huge dork.

Yay yay video games!

Oh, here the girl comes (you know, the one who dua me for spring break) I'm going to go scold her for a bit.

Peace out!


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