Monday, February 28, 2005

Today is the first day in ages that I (hopefully) will not have a cigarette. It's a momentous occasion; the last day like it was back in first year, in the height of the quit smoking program with free nicotine patches and whatnot. At the moment, I'm drinking a Bitgurger, chowing down on some white rabbit candy, and, in general, feeling pretty miserable. Admittedly, there's work I could be doing. Unfortunately, I don't feel like doing any of it.

I spent a good four hours today trying to edit the CUSA video - I'm rubbish at editing, but hey, at least I'm learning. I also spent a good hour in lab looking at a zebra finch's brain, trying to poke a metal thing into it to take single cell recordings. Again, this was something I'm totally rubbish at. I guess that makes two learning experiences out of two, then. I've just gotten home, practiced a form or two, gotten the heart pumping and whatnot, and now I suppose it's time to settle down and perhaps do some work.

I think hanging out is my new addiction. I've been doing it all weekend, but I somehow feel like I haven't gotten enough, like I'm still strangely disconnected. I just wish that people weren't so busy on weekdays at this school. Sometimes I feel like I need a couple bad influences to keep me company, or, even better, a couple studious friends who'd actually be bothered to come over and, well, study with me. I think my place is a pretty good study environment, after all.

I suppose, though, that that's enough nonsense for one day. I detect that my journal is getting a little more inane than usual today, so I'd better end it here.


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