Saturday, February 05, 2005

So instead of nursing my hangover, I'm directing something for this 24 hour play thing. Eh, I mean, what else was I going to do, considering I had no CUSA show to blame for my patchy academic record and whatnot? I obviously need some form of excuse for my inordinate laziness.

The cocktail party was good last night, meaning that I got really drunken. Some times, I think my life is awesome. Other times, my stomach churns and I really need to take a shit, but instead only can fart a little. As some of you might know, I have a great fear of constipation. Man, do I feel constipated right now. I mean, really constipated. And also kind of gross and farty. Yucky McPoopsicle.

I'm obviously loosing my mind.


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