Thursday, August 22, 2002

So today I finally decided to give up on calculus, since it's becoming increasingly apparent to me just how badly I suck at it; I know, I know - I should be enjoying my holiday and all, but seriously, what else do I have to do? Went for a (roughly) 2 mile run yesterday before deciding running was too strenuous; if there are awards for trying, I'm sure as hell not getting any.

I don't believe I'm trying to study! Years and years of skipping classes and building up my slacker creds potentially flushed down the toilet bowl by the emergence of this friggin' closet nerd! I would kill him in his sleep, but then I'd be dead, and from all accounts, being dead kind of sucks.

I wrote a poem yesterday (first in ages):

I used to like verse
Now I don't
It sucks way too bad -
Mine, anyway.
Why would anyone laud
Such crap?
They were
In the head?

Hey, I like it. Next to it in my diary is a penis, wonderfully rendered by yours truly, with the caption 'our missile silos work overtime for you! If anybody wants to read more poetry from me, I have another one I wrote on the next page that I think the world isn't quite ready for yet. Just a little sneak peek inside the mind of J Schnorng, closet nerd.


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