Monday, May 26, 2003

Evan's still not back, so everybody gets to read about my life. Judging from the uber low response rates, nobody is interested in my life, but that's ok, because I'm not really interested in everybody else's. I just spent hours and hours looking through peoples' blogs and I realised that nobody ever writes about me. This is obviously proof that the whole world doesn't give a flying fuck about me, so everyone should be lined up against the wall and shot.

Going home is such a mission. I hate having to book plane tickets and finalize travel arrangements and all that stuff, because I'm incredibly lazy. Yes, I'm so lazy that if my room were burning down, I'd...actually, I'd probably get the hell out, but you see where I was going with that.

I have more to say about my interminably boring life, but I'm deeply convinced nobody is interested. OK, that's all for now then. Somebody please come hang out with me before I put my eye out. I'm so bored, and daylight is far too overrated.


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