Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Continuing adventures of the Druce

Evan likes his computer games, especially Sims Online. He says it's the whole escapism thing that draws him in. In the world of Sims Online, Evan gets to be Mr. Martineau, also known as "hey sexy". It is good fun. Spring break for Evan means a relaxing time in Jersey (with the occasional trip to the big city), with lots of sleep, sims, and sunshine (Mario Sunshine, that is). Evan likes his holidays.

It wasn't a bad quarter for Evan - people finally started opening up to him in a lot of ways. It seemed that, at long last, people had finally recognised Evan as a person worth talking to, instead of mistaking him for a creepy stalker. The beer fridge in his room was going well, too, even if his roommate had a tendency to empty it just a little too fast. All in all, it had been a triumphant quarter for Evan.

Evan sat in front of his computer, after another exciting day of Sims online. A message came in from his roommate. Spending spring break in LA with those crazy girls from the first floor sounded like an awesome idea. Evan could tell his roommate was having a blast. Still, there was no reason to be jealous; after all, spring break was beginning, and there would always be video games.


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