Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Dorm Disco Druce

Every now and then, the Druce needs to cut loose. The roommate will play the Normal's one major hit, and they'll just groove to the music with thundersticks, the roommate doing his Asian groove thing, and the Druce doing the Druce. Nights like those happen all the time in 423A. Two guys with the doors closed, in a totally hetero-sexual fashion, having their crazy wild nights with their music and their goofiness. Sometimes the Druce wonders what things will be like next year, with a new roommate and a new room, away from the crazy nights in Palevsky Central. He wonders what life will be like without Warm Leatherette, or the Divine Comedy, or screaming OK Go because it's just so much fun. Some nights the Druce wishes they'd never have to move, that these nights would go on forever.

For now though, there's the beat, the beer and the bawling. The Druce throws his head back to the chorus of Don't Ask Me and takes in the moment. Days don't get much better than this.


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