Thursday, February 20, 2003

Finishing all your shit is supposed to be an all-round good thing. In my experience, however, it is a downright poopy thing, because all it means is that you sit around staring at your walls and wondering what the fuck there is to do. This sucks, and is the reason why I decided it would be a good idea to take 6 classes. In the end, everything has worked out, except now I've finished all my shit and am staring at my walls again, and this sucks.

You suck, I suck, but then again, wait, you suck.

There are a whole bunch of people I strongly dislike; if you think I like you, there's a 87.623% chance that I actually strongly dislike you. I'm full of dislike - I would say hate, but I'm too lazy to hate people. I'm not above the occasional bitch though. There's a 99.876% chance that, if I know you, I've bitched about you to someone, especially if I'm real nice to you. If I'm a real bastard to you all the time, though, chances are I actually love you to bits and am trying to work my way through a headfuck. I just thought I'd set things straight.

Anyway, what else? Ah yes, the abject lack of comments. I figure that all these cheap plugs for comments aren't working; the 'I'm not going to write till someone comments' thing is getting kind of old as well, so I figure that I might as well just fuck it and write whenever I fucking feel like it. Screw everyone else, anyway. Fuck!

What else is there to say? Ah yes...fuck.


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