Sunday, November 07, 2004

Seeing as to how I have two research papers due tuesday, a midterm on wednesday and my GREs on thursday, I figured I'd waste a little time and update my xanga/livejournal/blog (I still find it funny that I'm so desperate to be read that I maintain three of these motherfuckers). Anyway, I'm sure anyone still reading would be vaguely interested to know where the hell I've disappeared to. To tell you the truth, I've been spending a lot of time dicking around on my computer. Microsoft, being the evil corporation that it is, has attempted to sodomize me with compulsory office reactivation, and I have sidestepped its monopolizing corporate penis by defecting to EasyOffice, which is, awesomely enough, free. It's also compatible with its Microsoft counterpart, and has a vaguely amusing voice read back function, so that's given me a little bit of pleasure, you know, sporadically. It's kind of cool listening to a machine read my developmental psychology paper, just for kicks and whatnot.

Other than that, I now have a DVD burner, so I've been downloading even more frenetically than usual. Granted, it's a huge waste of my time, but honestly, some times I feel that wasting my own time is arguably my finest talent. Yeah. Something like that.

Ok I've run out of things to say. Somebody save me from myself before I drive myself crazy.


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